Case Studies

1. Greenhouse Study of Lettuce
Both commercial organic fertilizer and Ginate® significantly enhanced lettuce growth
Ginate® outperformed commercial organic fertilizer by 150%
Replicates of growth pots were established in the greenhouse at Colorado State University. Growth conditions were maintained the same across all testing pots. Background Control pots contained growth soil purchased from commercial sources; Positive Control pots contained 0.4% (v/v) blending of organic fertilizer purchased from commercial sources. Treatment pots contained 0.4% (v/v) blending of Ginate®. Data indicates approximately 300% of increased growth in the Ginate® Treatment pots when compared to the Background Controls, and 150% increased growth when compared with the Positive Controls blends with commercial organic fertilizer.
2. Greenhouse Study of Pepper
Lignite, comorganic fertilizer, and Ginate® all enhanced pepper growthmercial ​
​Lignite and commercial organic fertilizer increased pepper growth from 20-40%;Ginate® increased pepper growth by 300%
​Replicates of growth pots were established in the greenhouse at Colorado State University. Growth conditions were maintained the same across all testing pots. Background Control pots contained growth soil purchased from commercial sources; Feedstock Control pots contained 0.4% (v/v) blending of lignite. Positive control pots contained 0.4% (v/v) blending of organic fertilizer purchased from commercial sources. Treatment pots contained 0.4% (v/v) blending of Ginate®. Data indicates approximately 300% of increased growth in the Ginate® Treatment pots when compared to the background controls, 280% of increased growth when compared with the Lignite Controls, and 260% increased growth when compared with the Positive Controls blends with commercial organic fertilizer.

3. Belowground Root Study for Baby Lettuce: Ginate® increased root biomass by 200%
Baby lettuce seedlings with 2 true leaves were planted in special tubes for root study in the greenhouse at Colorado State University. Growth conditions were maintained the same across all testing pots. Background Control pots contained growth soil purchased from commercial sources; Treatment pots contained 0.4% (v/v) blending of Ginate®. Data indicates approximately 200% of increased biomass in the Ginate® Treatment pots when compared to the background controls. Length (depth) of roots in the Treatment pots were also significantly extended.
4. Hemp Growth
Ginate® reduced chemical nutrients input up to 80%
Ginate® was initially tested in two groups of identical hemp pots in the greenhouse of Western Farm (Nebraska). All pots contained commercial growth soil. In the treatment pots, 1 cup of Ginate® was blended into the estimated root depth at approximately ½ ft . The same growth conditions were maintained. A few random hemp plants from both control and treatment pots were harvested for measurements after 3 weeks of growth. Data indicates approximately 100% of increased biomass in the Ginate® Treatment pots when compared to the controls.
Additional tests were conducted in the rest of the pots to determine chemical nutrients input until harvest at maturation. It was determined that when up to 70% of chemical nutrients were reduced, no growth impacted was observed. This agreed with the similar study at Colorado State University, where the reduction of over 50% chemical nutrients did not show observable negative influences on hemp growth.

5. Tree Growth: Ginate® enhances tree growth >100%
Ginate® was tested on trees in two identical pots in the greenhouse owned by a tree nursery company in Boulder, Colorado. In the treatment pots, Ginate® was blended into the soil at 1 cup/1 cu ft. The Positive control pot was blended with routine chemical fertilizers for trees. Same growth conditions were maintained. Data indicates approximately 100% of increased growth in the Ginate® Treatment pot when compared to the Positive Control with chemical fertilizer.
6. Corn Growth: Ginate® significantly enhances corn growth
Ginate® was tested on corn in the greenhouse at University of Wyoming. In the treatment pots, Ginate® was blended into the soil at different ratios ranging from 5-20% (w/w). The control pot contained commercial growth soil without any Ginate®. The same growth conditions were maintained. Data indicates up to 300% of increased growth in the Ginate® Treatment pot when compared to the Control.

7. Sugar Beet Growth: Ginate® increased beet biomass by 26% and sugar content by 6%
Ginate® was tested in the sugar beets field that contained sandy soil with organic matter <1%. In the treatment plot, Ginate® was blended into the soil at 1.5 tons/acre. The control plot was not blended with Ginate® but with equivalent amounts of chemical fertilizer. Growth conditions were maintained the same on both plots. Data indicates an average 26% of increased biomass in the Ginate® Treatment plot when compared to the Control plot. In addition, sugar content in beets from the Treatment plot was by average 6% higher than that in beets from the Control plot.
8. Golf Course: Ginate® helped revive grass growth on bare locations and seeding germination
Assisted by Colorado State University and the golf course staff, Ginate® was applied on the fairway and multiple other locations with poor or no grass growth at Collindale Golf Course in Fort Collins, Colorado. In late October of 2021, after a brief aeration and the shutdown of irrigation for the season, the powder form of Ginate® was surface applied on those poor growth areas at a dosage of approximately 1.0 tons/acre. In the spring of 2022, full growth was achieved in areas where Ginate® was applied.
In seeding applications, 7:3 (v/v) of seeds : Ginate® powder was used for seeding poor/non growth areas like under trees in the Spring. Routine maintenance was conducted throughout the golf course. Full growth was achieved within the same year.
Soil samples were collected before and after the Ginate® application. Total microbial populations by average increased 300% after the application.

9. Municipal Park: Ginate® helped revive grass growth on bare locations on soccer fields
In March 2023, Ginate® was applied on locations with poor or no grass growth at a municipal park in Timnath, Colorado. The powder form of Ginate® was surface applied on those areas at a dosage of approximately 1.5 tons/acre. In August 2023, full growth was achieved in areas where Ginate® was applied. Soil samples were collected before and after Ginate® application. Total microbial populations by average increased 500% during the 5 month application.
10. Field Testing Plots: Ginate® helped enhance growth of grass, flowers, and bushes in the field
In summer 2022, field plots were set up by the staff of Montava, Colorado. Ginate® was applied under a sod, while control sod was not applied. The lawns were mowed once every 2 weeks and measured before each mowing. On average, the grass height of the Ginate® underlined sod was 1 inch taller than that from the Control sod.
Similar tests were conducted on flowers and bushes in the field plots. In those tests compost was applied to the Controls at regular dosage (approximately 5-10 times more than Giante dosages), while Ginate® was blended into the root zone in the Treatments. Results show substantially enhanced growth for the Treatment plants.

11. Construction topsoil blending: Ginate® blending converted otherwise solid waste into better growth soil
Excavated top soil (0-6 ft) from a construction site near Denver International Airport (Denver, Colorado) was collected for the study. In Colorado and other western states in the United States, such construction topsoil quality is too low to support healthy plant growth. This construction topsoil is usually used for backfilling or shipped offsite to landfill facilities, incurring expenses. In this study, Ginate® powder was blended into the construction topsoil at <3%. Construction topsoil received no Ginate® and served as the Background Control. Commercial garden soil served as the Positive Control. Kentucky blue grass was planted in all pots. Data showed that the Positive Control of garden soil enhanced grass growth by approximately 55%; Ginate® blended Treatment enhanced grass growth by approximately 85%, when compared to the Background Control. The Ginate® blended construction topsoil outperformed the commercial garden soil by 30% in supporting grass growth.
12. Applications in road constructions: Ginate® outperformed a CDOT listed organic amendment in supporting grass growth
It is mandated by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and DOTs in other states that road construction must apply adequate amounts of organic amendment to help roadside soil support plant growth. In this study, an organic amendment listed by the CDOT was compared to Ginate® in supporting grass growth in roadside soil. The soil sample was collected from an ongoing road construction project near Loveland, Colorado. The commercial amendment and Ginate® were blended into the soil at the same dosage. Data showed that grass in the Ginate® blended soil outgrew that of the commercial amendment blended soil by 560-590%. Moreover, Ginate® is odorless, contains no weed seeds, residuals of antibiotics, hormones, or other pharmaceutical compounds.

13. Ginate in Seeding and Enhancing Germination
A ratio of 100 lbs of perennial ryegrass seed was mixed with 35 lbs of Ginate powder for seeding in early summer of 2023 at Collindale golf course (Fort Collins, Colorado). The picture shows the incredible germination in Spring 2024. The ryegrass (dark green seeded rows) is showing very good resilience against the annual bluegrass, which can be a smothering weed. This has become routine seeding practice at Collindale.